Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know about my occasional frustrations about not being able to find fresh produce that is actually fresh in the British Virgin Islands. Most of our produce comes from Puerto Rico or Miami via ships, on a weekly basis. As one can imagine, bringing fresh food takes a long time and can be quite costly. Unfortunately, most of the time, by the time they make it here they are moldy, bruised and not-so-fresh looking. And for me, this is a big problem because I write a food blog.

However, it seems like my fresh produce related problems are coming to an end. Because, the other day, my friend Chrissann and I found a beautiful, organic farm on Tortola (the largest island one of the British Virgin Islands) called Good Moon Farm.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

Good Moon Farm is located in the north side of Tortola, BVI. It is owned and operated by a gentleman named Aragorn Dick-Read with his family. From what I understand, as a BVI’lander (born and raised in Tortola), he had a passion for farming and has been in this business for many years.

Unfortunately, we were not been able to meet with Aragorn and his family, because they were on vacation. However, as soon as we walked into the farm, it was apparent to see that they are very much attached to their Caribbean roots and the community.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

We were welcomed to the farm by Drake, a native of Dominica, who is the farm manager. Drake is the kind of guy, who does everything around the farm. On that day, he was there with his wife, who was visiting from Dominica. As both Chrissann and I have been and loved Dominica, it was so nice to meet new Dominicans and chat about their beautiful island.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

The farm is located on the outskirts of the hill overlooking the Trunk Bay. To get there, we took the road next to the RightWay and went up the hill for about 3-4 miles. I wouldn’t say that it was easy to find, but thankfully Drake stayed with us over the phone as we were driving around to find it.
As soon as we made it to there, Drake gave us a quick tour of the area and told us about the produce they grow at the farm.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

They plant their crops based on the lunar calendar, which explains the name “Good Moon”. They protect their crops by planting out of sync with the bugs that tend to harm them. Also, by doing so, they eliminate the need to use pesticides. Therefore, everything you buy from them is100% organic and has never been treated with any chemicals.

In the farm, you can, pretty much, find every seasonal vegetable and herb you can imagine. As we walked around, we saw some bok choy, arugula, pumpkin, eggplants, mustard greens, red bananas, and herbs like mint, tarragon, basil (several kinds), and Italian parsley. Drake also mentioned that depending on the time of the year you could find fruits like pomegranate, figs, red bananas, and strawberries. We were lucky on that day, because Drake had some green figs for us to munch on and purchase for later.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

For this time, since we were physically there we told Drake what we want and he cut it for us. We placed it all in a basket and settled our bill at the end. But in the future, we’ll do what most of their customers do; place our order through their website using the online form. And if you are like us, living on Virgin Gorda, no need to worry. Drake told us that they could put it on the first boat coming over to Virgin Gorda so that we could get it without having to travel to Tortola.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

To be honest, as we were driving to the farm, neither of us had any idea about what this place is going to be like. To our surprise, it ended up being a gorgeous organic farm with many of the fresh produce that we have been yearning for and thought that it isn’t possible to find in the BVIs. As you can imagine, we are both very happy and excited to have a place, where we could purchase such fresh and organic produce.

If you are living in the British Virgin Islands or just passing by during your travels, I would highly recommend you to shop from their website, or better yet, if you have time, visit their picturesque farm to meet the beautiful people that made this all possible.

Good Moon Farm, British Virgin Islands

Disclaimer: All the comments, opinions, and pictures on this blog post belong to me (Aysegul Sanford). I am not compensated in any shape or form to write this post by the owner of Good Moon Farm.

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About Aysegul Sanford

Hello Friend! I'm Aysegul but you can call me “Ice." I’m the cook/recipe-tester/photographer behind this site.

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  1. I like the British Virgin Island’s, I go next year with a ship cruise to the Virgin Islands.
    Two years ago and 3 years ago I was also of the Virgin Islands.
    We like the Caribbean Islands so much and the Food from this Islands.
    Have a nice day
    We are Lifestylblogger from Austria

    1. Oh Hi Alnis..
      We love being here. Beautiful beaches and gorgeous weather at all times. Next time you guys come over to this part of the world you should let me know.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Good Morning, “Ice”, Always a pleasure to read your blog with your beautiful photos, and, see what adventures you and Dwight are experiencing. Looks like a fall trip to the American SouthWest and Mexico are in your plans. Thank you for your explicit receipes, and, your BVI shopping excursions. Bon Voyage. aloha, Chandra

    1. Hi Chandra,
      Thank you so much for your kind comments.
      We just came back and it was wonderful. I am in the process of organizing all the pictures I took. They will be on the blog very soon.
      See you around..

  3. How awesome you found this place and to order online and receive it on the next day’s boat . . . . incredible! They are certainly filling an unmet need.