We Bought a House

When I was a kid, every night before going to bed, I would go down on my knees and pray that my life would fold in a way where I get to travel around the world and live in different places.

Our new home that is still being built from the front view

Every. Single. Night. The same prayer. And asking for the same thing. 

They say, be careful what you wish for because it might just come true. 

I have been granted my wish and been so lucky to see so many parts of the world and live in three different countries since I left home at the ripe age of 18. Since then, I have been on the move, one place to another, experiencing different cultures, food, and making friends along the way.

While I am grateful for all of it, something shifted in me when I turned 40, a few years ago. I felt so tired of moving. But more than anything, I felt a sudden yearning for belonging. 

The idea of settling down sounded so good. In an unknown and strange way.

With Dwight feeling in a similar way, we decided that it is about time to find a place where we can call our permanent home. We have been here in Vermont for almost 4 years now and have been enjoying it but we’ve always known that we wouldn’t call this state home.

Dwight and I met, fell in love, and married in Atlanta. The idea of going back there to find ourselves a home felt so right for both of us. So, last week we traveled down to find a place for ourselves.

At the end of three days and seeing over 15 houses, we found one that we liked and put our names on it right on the spot. 

I swear my hands are shaking even when I am writing this. 

I have been living the nomad life for so long that I had no idea when this day would come. But here we are.

The New House:

Our new place is a brand new house. As a matter of fact, it is still being built. 

The photo below is my new kitchen. The door you see on the right goes out to a backyard where I plan on growing my own herbs, vegetables, and fruits. 

Our kitchen from during construction

I know that it doesn’t look like anything right now, but it will be an all white kitchen with white cabinets and a large island in the middle. It has a large South facing window with natural light coming in all day long.

Needless to say, I am thrilled to have a place where I will be able to cook, photograph, and film my videos.

Our Actual Move Date & The Next Steps:

We are supposed to be getting the keys at the end of October so we plan on going down sometime around mid October. While we are not excited about all the packing that is ahead of us, both Dwight and I are counting days for that moment when we get on the road to Atlanta.

Leaving Vermont:

It will be bitter sweet to leave Vermont. We made so many friends here and enjoyed the beauty that it is known for. But I am not going to lie, I will not miss the brutal winters. 

The good thing is that the foliage season is right around the corner and we will be enjoying our last few weeks here in the most beautiful backdrop possible.

I plan on spending the whole month of September intensely testing, photographing and filming recipes for the whole holiday season so there will be a lot of cooking and baking in our house.

If your travels ever take you to Vermont or you are living closeby be sure to stop by for a bite or two.

The Rainbow:

Before I let you go, I can’t help but share this.

Right after we signed the paperwork and got into the car to head back to the hotel, it started pouring. It was such heavy rain that I felt like it is best if we wait it out for a few minutes rather than getting into the rush hour traffic.

Then as soon as it slowed down, we started driving and saw a double rainbow. It was so real and so beautiful.

Double rainbow right after a heavy rain

I felt like my mom was right there with us saying, welcome home.

Until next month…



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About Aysegul Sanford

Hello Friend! I'm Aysegul but you can call me โ€œIce." Iโ€™m the cook/recipe-tester/photographer behind this site.

If youโ€™re looking for approachable, yet creative recipes made with everyday ingredients, youโ€™ve come to the right place. Here, weโ€™re all about recipes thatโ€™s been meticulously tested to provide you with a truly foolproof cooking experience regardless of your level of cooking.

The cover of Foolproof Protein packed ebook.

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  1. Dear Aysegul,
    for quite some time I have been following your blog. I live in Austria, near Vienna, so I know cold winters.
    I wish you and your husband all the best for the future. And I hope for some new, southern inspired recipies and a lot of pictures from your new home.

    Take care

    1. Thanks Dagmar. I’ve never been to Vienna but it is on my list of places that I want to go.
      I appreciate your well wishes. I plan on sharing more as soon as we are down there.
      Thanks for your sweet note.
      Sending you the warmest hugs from the green mountains of Vermont.

  2. That rainbow was a sign that you’re doing the right thing! Many Congratulations & I wish you all many happy times in your new home!!

  3. Dear Ays,
    When I read this sentence; I started crying, cause I know that yes Mrs. Aysen Celebi is there with you and saying a big WELCOME to you.
    “I felt like my mom was right there with us saying, welcome home.”
    She is always behind you both.
    I would like to say good luck in your new house and have nice moments and feelings in Atlanta.

    1. She was right there with me. I felt her energy all over me.
      And you are right, she is always around to protect and guide me.
      Thank you so much for your well wishes. We cannot wait to have you over.

    1. Awww thank you Zeitun. We are so happy and excited about the move.
      Can’t wait to share my recipes from our new house.

    1. Awww thanks Nesha. Now, you have a new house in Atlanta.
      Come and visit us anytime. We’d be so happy to have you and your handsome boys over.
      Sending the biggest hugs to Virgin Gorda.

  4. Congratulations, Ice & Dwight! So exciting to see your new home, & I cannot wait to see what goodness will come out of your new kitchen. xx